Apr 19Liked by Jaime Wright

I adore everything about this post!!! Thank you for sharing those pictures and really building out your 2005 world 🤩

In spring of 2005, I was 12, finishing up 7th grade, and I was preparing for a summer trip to europe- my first international travel without my parents. It was with the People to People program, and it was about 3 weeks of travel through France, Austria, Switzerland and Italy. This prep time was exciting and scary, and my parents were super reluctant about it.

Now? I'm about to *move* internationally for the first time - with my mom this time, and to a country/region I've never even visited. Lots of house-selling and life planning anxiety is defining this month. My mom is having a hard time accepting how positive it is and how it answers all of her desires - she can currently only see the to-do lists and the risks to be mitigated. If I had to guess, this is also how my parents were processing my 2005 travel.

I thiiiink there's something Special about any Aries eclipse for me as a natal Aries moon, and with Aries angular in my 4th House. They're louder than the others! And this 19 degree/exaltation degree spot in Aries is trine my natal venus/NN. In fact, the 2005 eclipse had venus conj the NN, just like right now.

The theme here for me seems to be that new frontiers and opportunities for growth/fundamental change are FELT really heavily beforehand, for my entire household. The house metaphorically shakes and I'm always being taken elsewhere (NN natally in the 12th coded).

I'm upping my prayer practice and breathing through it all! 🧘🏿‍♀️

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Apr 18Liked by Jaime Wright

I was in the midst of The Gods Are Pounding My Head aka Lumberjack Messiah at The Ontological. I had started working at The Drama Book Shop in February 2005 and was doing a shift or two at The Unoppressive Non-Imperialist Bargain Book Store. I was back to starving myself and working out a lot. I was smitten with an actor in the play that was 25 years older than me. I was sorta absurd about it, I realize now. I had just never met anyone that smart and talented before. I was about to write and direct my first play in the basement of The Drama Book Shop that would lead to the formation of Title:Point. I had not been home to KS since I moved Sept 1, 2004 and I missed my family, terribly. I did not have a winter coat. I lived in the living room of a 2 bedroom apartment on 148th and Broadway with my dear friends from college, Averyn and Michelle, who were both making good money as servers. I could barely afford a can of soda.

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I really love the pictures of you. I am 62. My eldest daughter turned 36 on March 25th. She completely bewilders me, and she is content to let me stay bewildered. We are not friends, but I don't know why. Your language construction and voice inflections remind me of her. Maybe she experiences life in some of the same ways you describe. I make no assumptions and realize my ideas about you and her are in my imagination. Even so, I feel friendlier towards my daughter the longer I listen to you. Another unexpected gift. Thank you.

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