moon missives
good fortune!
28. Forecast for September 25-October 1, 2023

28. Forecast for September 25-October 1, 2023

full moon in aries - bold new directions

We get into: an update on the astrology of the WGA Strike + predictions for its resolution; further notes on eclipse preparation; and forecast for this full moon in aries week which includes throwing ourselves into something, feeling uncomfortable about it, and moving through the muck of it anyway.

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Astrology of the WGA Strike
Hot Labor Summer: Astrology of the WGA & SAG-AFTRA Strikes

moon missives
good fortune!
Jaime Wright (astrologer, writer & saint about town) asks the question, "What if an astrology podcast was just a lowkey hang with your best friend?" Weekly forecasts, culture critique and gossip. xoxo