moon missives
good fortune!
34. Forecast for November 6-12, 2023

34. Forecast for November 6-12, 2023

venus enters libra, mercury enters sagittarius

It’s time to change up the strategy! Leaving a very watery few weeks means channeling more air and fire. We get into: Saturn in Pisces stationing direct as the call to choose a path; Venus finally back in business after being reborn and then struggling since June; Venus in Libra as the provocative diplomat; Mercury in Sagittarius as the blunt genius; Mars opposite Uranus as a call to say “feel your feelings but don’t get caught in that SWAMP again.”

moon missives
good fortune!
Jaime Wright (astrologer, writer & saint about town) asks the question, "What if an astrology podcast was just a lowkey hang with your best friend?" Weekly forecasts, culture critique and gossip. xoxo