moon missives
good fortune!
20. Forecast for July 31 - August 6

20. Forecast for July 31 - August 6

finally a good week

It’s the 20th episode of good fortune! Can you imagine? This week we have a Full Moon in Aquarius that comes on the same day as an energetic Mars-Jupiter trine as well as a “don’t get ahead of yourself” Mercury-Saturn opposition. The week ends with a Sun-Jupiter square that screams “positivity!” but is also a battle between two alpha males. Who will win? Let’s see. If you’d like to support the production of the pod, please subscribe.

moon missives
good fortune!
Jaime Wright (astrologer, writer & saint about town) asks the question, "What if an astrology podcast was just a lowkey hang with your best friend?" Weekly forecasts, culture critique and gossip. xoxo