moon missives
good fortune!
19. Forecast for July 24-30, 2023

19. Forecast for July 24-30, 2023


It’s Episode 19 of good fortune! If last week was the messy throes / looking over the terms and conditions of a new life, then this week is about settling into the lull of a fresh decision. Mercury meets up with Venus retrograde (the poet’s poet aspect) and then moves into Virgo (the multi-hyphenate of all multihyphenates!) Listen closely and you’ll discover how many different ways one can pronounce Leonard Bernstein’s name!

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moon missives
good fortune!
Jaime Wright (astrologer, writer & saint about town) asks the question, "What if an astrology podcast was just a lowkey hang with your best friend?" Weekly forecasts, culture critique and gossip. xoxo